Custom Programming

Custom Programming for any Application and any platform from Desktop to Server to Cloud to Web

System Design

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If you already have a design we can work with that but if you need help in creating the design we can do that too.

Database Design

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Once the System is Specified the Next step is often the Design of a Database to support the System. We can do the Logical Design of the Database through the rules of Normalization to 3rd Normal Form and then modify that Design for Performance purposes if necessary


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We can write code in the language most appropriate for the job.  Visual Basic for the Desktop, JavaScript or Python for the Web.


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We can Build with a Unit Testing Setup right from the begining and build or integrate into a System Test Framwork.


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We can develop installation programs for Desktop Apps.

Our Approach

Strategy & Roadmap.

For New Applications we often use the methodology of “Pro-Cycling“: First we deliver a working Prototype. Then we iteratively enhance-deliver, enhance-deliver,… until the Prototype has become a working product.

Visual & UX Design

We have experience with complex forms with multiple List Boxes and can handle the complexity of List Box Selections changing the list Sources of Other List Boxes 

Database Design and Programming

We can Design, Normalize, and Tune your database as well as write the Program Code to Update and Query it. We can work with SQL Server from the Compact Edition to Enterprise and with MySQL and PostgreSQL 


We Develop in the Following Languages:
Visual Basic

Have a Project in Mind?

If you have a well specified Project and need a quote enter as much detail about those specs as you can here. 

Or if you just have a vague Idea of your needs tell us about it here and we can begin the process of specifying those needs precisely. 

Describe Your Project Here